Savva, M. (2022) To be Touched. Fesival of Hope. Coventry
Savva, M. (2021) The Telling of Us, Leamington Spa.
Savva, M. (2020) The Telling of Us – Home Dancing. Online weekly creative movement and learning art resources for children with disabilities during lockdown (COVID – 19)
Savva, M. (2020) Outside of Yonkers. Community lead Costumed Street Dance lessons (Online) A comedy intervention of learning, improvisation and self isolating.
Savva, M. (2020) Kith and Kin Dance Jam, Warwick Arts Centre, Creative Learning Space.
Savva, M. (2019) Art Encounters Rugby Art Gallery and Museum, Rugby, Warwickshire.
Savva, M. (2017) Tall dance Tales, RSC ‘The Other Place’ Stratford Upon Avon, Warwickshire.
Savva, M. (2016) Flow, performance with children, Leamington Spa.
Savva, M. (2015) Daisy Learns to Dance, (Artefact), embodying MA research Inquiry through the lens of the works of Anna Halprin. The re telling of a child’s experience of a dance class. Middlesex University.
Savva, M. and Thornber, K. (2001) Dimitri & Svetlana, Magic, Battersea Barge, London.

“Thinking in movement is foundational to being in body.”
“Where are you? Who are you with? What am I doing?”